It's Been A While
It's been a while since I need to tell you that though. Again, eventful things have been happening since I last blogged, and before you ask; no..I'm not kidding.
I handed in my notice on Tuesday...that leaves about 3 more weeks with this job, and then, in September, I start a new one! My new job is doing web development for a small company that's run by a friend who I'm going to call "Emily" (for those that know me, it's the guy that's about to start a church in Cardiff). It's been a really tough decision because I really love the people I work with. They're really great, such a laugh. Basically, a while back "Emily" found out I was looking for a new job and we had a chat about the kind of work that I was looking for. He said that if the business grew enough, he'd love to have me work for him and that I should let him know how the job hunting went. Then, while I was at the wedding, he called me up and said that he was in a position to offer me a job! I met up with him the following day and the job sounded good, so I told him I'd have a think about it and let him know in a week's time. While I was still making up my mind we were out for a meal with work. Lis met *more* people from work (she'd met a few before) and at the end of the night someone said to me:
Mr X : "Well, I guess that's the end of you and Lisa,"
Tris : "Why's that?"
X: "Well, she won't want to stay with you now that she's met us!"
T: "Naaa, it's okay; I'm quitting at the end of the week"
*ironic laughter*
Heh heh, I just couldn't resist *grin*. Anyways, I decided that week that I was going to go for it. My reasons are twofold really - I always wanted be a programmer, and what I'm doing at the moment isn't focussed enough on programming. It's been great for a first job; I've gained a really broad range of experience in different things, but now I really need to focus in. The second reason is money; I've felt for a while that I wasn't really being paid what I was worth. Not when I've been working for two years and I'm still way under the average salary a graduate can expect to get. I'm really looking forward to working for "Emily"; it's going to be a real challenge and much more in line with what I want to do. Since it's a small business, there's going to be an element of risk, but if I can't take risks, then what's life about eh? Both Lis and myself have prayed about it, and I believe that if I just leave it in God's hands then everything will be fine :)
Other News
Lis is finally moved out of Woodies. It was quite sad - obviously more for Lis than me, but it was still a sad day :( I'm finally out of my 'buffer' zone of living with Nathan, and I'm all moved into my new house.
Soul Survivor is this week; should be a real laugh. We're taking a bunch of youth to it - our 'Solids'. Lis found out that she can come for free last week! Yay! She got a call from Oasis asking if she could 'man' their stall. It's gonna be cool.
Right - off to a pub quiz with sum geezahs from church now. Better get ready :-D
Stay safe, and remember; Just say "no" (unless I ask you for money)
I handed in my notice on Tuesday...that leaves about 3 more weeks with this job, and then, in September, I start a new one! My new job is doing web development for a small company that's run by a friend who I'm going to call "Emily" (for those that know me, it's the guy that's about to start a church in Cardiff). It's been a really tough decision because I really love the people I work with. They're really great, such a laugh. Basically, a while back "Emily" found out I was looking for a new job and we had a chat about the kind of work that I was looking for. He said that if the business grew enough, he'd love to have me work for him and that I should let him know how the job hunting went. Then, while I was at the wedding, he called me up and said that he was in a position to offer me a job! I met up with him the following day and the job sounded good, so I told him I'd have a think about it and let him know in a week's time. While I was still making up my mind we were out for a meal with work. Lis met *more* people from work (she'd met a few before) and at the end of the night someone said to me:
Mr X : "Well, I guess that's the end of you and Lisa,"
Tris : "Why's that?"
X: "Well, she won't want to stay with you now that she's met us!"
T: "Naaa, it's okay; I'm quitting at the end of the week"
*ironic laughter*
Heh heh, I just couldn't resist *grin*. Anyways, I decided that week that I was going to go for it. My reasons are twofold really - I always wanted be a programmer, and what I'm doing at the moment isn't focussed enough on programming. It's been great for a first job; I've gained a really broad range of experience in different things, but now I really need to focus in. The second reason is money; I've felt for a while that I wasn't really being paid what I was worth. Not when I've been working for two years and I'm still way under the average salary a graduate can expect to get. I'm really looking forward to working for "Emily"; it's going to be a real challenge and much more in line with what I want to do. Since it's a small business, there's going to be an element of risk, but if I can't take risks, then what's life about eh? Both Lis and myself have prayed about it, and I believe that if I just leave it in God's hands then everything will be fine :)
Other News
Lis is finally moved out of Woodies. It was quite sad - obviously more for Lis than me, but it was still a sad day :( I'm finally out of my 'buffer' zone of living with Nathan, and I'm all moved into my new house.
Soul Survivor is this week; should be a real laugh. We're taking a bunch of youth to it - our 'Solids'. Lis found out that she can come for free last week! Yay! She got a call from Oasis asking if she could 'man' their stall. It's gonna be cool.
Right - off to a pub quiz with sum geezahs from church now. Better get ready :-D
Stay safe, and remember; Just say "no" (unless I ask you for money)
hey working with EMILY is gonna be cool cool cool - I testify to him being a lovely person to work with!
Jen, at 8/8/05 12:29
And he's got a nice butt.
TommyDB, at 8/8/05 19:29
lol, I guess you're referring to Jen's blog!
Congrats on the job front T!!!
Gem, at 8/8/05 21:55
You're not moving to Cardiff are you?!!!
Gem, at 8/8/05 21:56
No, Maria. Not me.
TommyDB, at 9/8/05 07:23
Nope :) Thankfully he's not moving to Cardiff!!
But it is an amazing opportunity, a way he'll get to show his full potential and actually be able to use the skills he has in the way he wants to. It's actually really exciting!!
Mafia!, at 9/8/05 10:57
Congratulations Tris,
Saw Emily and 'wife' (couldn't resist putting that) this week and they told us all about it. Yay ! really pleased for you!
KT, at 15/8/05 16:51
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