Tristan - enter the madness...

Wednesday, February 22

Dilbert Classic

Tuesday, February 21

Johari Window

Click here for mine

Monday, February 20

It's a Four thang...

Four Jobs I have ever had in my life:

1. Paperboy (age 11 - 17)
2. Provisions Replenishment Assistant (aka "shelfstacker") @ Sainsbury's
3. Customer Service for AOL/CompuServe in a call centre
4. Web Developer (current job - lovin' it)

Four Movies I can watch over and over:

1. Red Planet
2. The Matrix
3. Back to the Future
4. Indiana Jones

Four Places I have lived:

1. New Jersey, USA
2. Hampstead, London
3. Ponterewyd (Nr Aberystwyth), Wales
4. Bristol

Four TV Shows I love to watch:

1. 24
2. Desperate Housewives
3. Futurama
4. The Simpsons

Four places I have been on vacation:

1. Cayman Islands
2. France
3. Austria
4. Various USA places

Four websites I visit daily:

1. Google
2. BBC News
3. Dilbert site
4. Blogz

Four of my favourite foods:

1. Cake that Lisa Made me for my birthday (microwave it and cover it in Carté D'or...mmmm)

2. Lisa's Honey Chilli Chicken
3. Toasted Ham/Cheese Sandwiches
4. Almost anything chicken

Four places I would rather be right now:

1. Bed
2. Skiing somewhere nice
3. With Lisa
4. Playing my bass

Four people I am tagging:

1. VJ
2. "Train Spotter" (via Jen's blog)
3. Timmay!
4. Norm (via Gemma's blog)

Thursday, February 16

10 Steps To Impress A Church Minister

Step 1 - Have band practice upstairs during a church meeting.
Step 2 - Leave later than everyone else and lock up the building
Step 3 - Set the alarm.
Step 4 - Wander to the car park to drive home
Step 5 - Notice the Minister's "BannanaMobile" sitting in the car park
Step 6 - Call the church office phone - no answer
Step 7 - Call the Minister's mobile and have the following conversation:

*ring ring*
Minister: "Hallo mate"
Tristan: "Hiya, are you still in the church?"
M: "Yep"
T: "Crap. I suppose I'd better turn the alarm off then. Stay there...don't move"
M: "Too late - I can see a red light flashing"
T: "Pants."

Step 8 - Run back around to the front of the building, pull out keys and dash inside. and mis-type the code.
Step 9 - Hit as many keys as you can in what you hope are the correct order with no response from the alarm panel until it says "INVALID CODE".
Step 10 - Just after the panel says "ENTRY TIME=0", type in the correct code and breathe a sigh of relief when it then reads "UNSET"

Follow these 10 simple steps to ensure a long and happy time at your local church.

Wednesday, February 15

No More Smelly Smoke

Yesterday, MPs voted to ban smoking in all enclosed public places by next summer.


It means no more going out to the pub and coming back all smelly-smokey...woohoo!

Listening to: Radio 1

Friday, February 10

Future In-Laws

T arrives at Lisa's parents' house and is shown to his room. Lisa queries the choice of towel colour that Lisa's mother has chosen for T. T is a messy man.

Lisa: You gave Tristan a white towel!???
Mother: No!
Mother: It's cream.