Tristan - enter the madness...

Thursday, October 27

I'll Have A Big, Small Piece of Medium Pie Please

At a well known Pizza Shack ;-)

Loz: so, do you want to get a medium grand-pan pizza

Tom: Naa, I think we should get a medium individual pizza

Loz: A medium indivdual pizza???

Tom: *looks blankly*

T: Medium and Individual pizza?

Tom: Ohhhhh, I mean a medium italian pizza.

Monday, October 24


You Are an Emo Rocker!

Expressive and deep, lyrics are really your thing.
That doesn't mean you don't rock out...
You just rock out with meaning.
For you, rock is more about connecting than grandstanding.

Saturday, October 22

Not Sure, But Sounds Cool

Your Blogging Type is Unique and Avant Garde

You're a bit ... unusual. And so is your blog.
You're impulsive, and you'll often post the first thing that pops in your head.
Completely uncensored, you blog tends to shock... even though that's not your intent.
You tend to change your blog often, experimenting with new designs and content.

Tuesday, October 11


I went across to the mini-market across the road from work this morning to get me something for breakfast. While I was there I spotted a packet of Earl Grey tea, so thought I'd treat myself and buy myself a pack...mmm...Tea, Earl Grey; Hot.

What I have just discovered is that this packet doesn't have teabags in it...just leaves.

D'oh. Anybody got a tea strainer I could use?

Thursday, October 6

Happy Birthday To ME

Today is the day that I get internet access at home! Yay! Finally, I don't have to rely on work internet access and I can do things better (try harder, DO BETTER)! Not exactly sure which things those are, but I'm sure they are.

Right. How are you all doing? Been up to much lately? Not many people seem to be updating any more, including myself, so must try harder; DO BETTER.

Well, the CD is finished - Curious By Design now have a decent recording of their work - yay! I listened to it in my car last night, and even with my rubbish speakers it seemed alright. I'm about to try and put it on my mp3 player so that I can listen to it through some nice headphones and see exactly how well it turned out. Unfortunately we can't afford to give away freebees, even
Lis is going to have to pay for a copy (though it will be the first signed copy - not quite sure why that's important).

Work is still great...though the ability to come in late is starting to take its toll - I'm going to have to do some catchup-time tonight and work a bit late.

The weekend of visiting my 'rents was good - got to see the new house (which is really nice), go shopping (and got some great bargains...sales ROCK!) and see Arsenal v Birmingham City at Highbury - which was just cool.

O: "...and when the goal was disallowed, the Chelsea supporters stopped cheering"
T: "There were Chelsea supporters at the game?!?"
O: "Yeah...not many, but there were some in section in the far corner."
T: "Chelsea the Arsenal v Birmingham game?!?"
O: "Ohhhhhhh."

While I was at the match, Lis stayed behind and got to meet my whole family. She did really well, though she was playing with fire by dissing Arsenal quietly to me (my family are massive Arsenal supporters...thus the
wedding reception at Highbury a couple of months back).

Sorry for the catch-up blogs recently (or not recently as the case may be). Hopefully I'll be blogging more and I can start putting up something interesting.

Oh yeah - I forgot to mention the title! My blog is almost 1 year old..I think Tuesday will be the little one's first celebration. I can't believe it's been going for so started off with lil old me (here in Bristol), and now half the church has a blog...though that's more to do with
Loz's blog-vangelism ;) if you look at her list of blog-links on her blog, it's growing almost as big as VJ's list ;)

Listening to: Nothing