Tristan - enter the madness...

Thursday, August 31


Mmm, lunchtime is one of my favourite times of day. It's a chance to switch off from work and just relax (yes, I do work sometimes). In the past I've taken the time to blog, read, research, sleep, do stuff (like nip to the bank), Christmas shopping, meeting people for lunch and, occasionally, I eat.

Recently I've found a new lunch-time hobby. It started with the summer - I started going out and sitting on the grass with my lunch and snoozing in the sun. That's nothing new; I did that at both my old jobs (which luckily had grass nearby!). But, last week, I drove into work a couple of times (for the first time in 6 months) and discovered that the docks/harbourside are right behind my work place!!! So now I've been eating my lunch while I work (during the 10 mins before my lunchbreak) and then spending all of my lunchtime walking by the docks and sometimes just sitting there and relaxing - it's lush! You get to see wildlife (Seagulls, baby seagulls and pigeons), people (weirdos mostly..especially when I look in a reflective window), windows being washed by a dude on a crane, people hanging off of a crane in harnesses over the water (I want to try that!) and, best of all, lots of boats. Canal boats, tug boats, steam boats, yachts and (maybe one day) sail ships. I've always enjoyed sea-type things..especially the old sail ships like in Pirates of the Carribean. I don't know why, they just interest me.

Anyway, you should feel honoured because I walked back 5 minutes early so I could blog about it - and also to explain why I hadn't been blogging...because I'm out walking!!!!

Take care peoples, and remember...
save Pluto!!

Thursday, August 24

The Solar System Just Lost A Planet

I'm not's my proof.

Thursday, August 17

It's Been A While

soon (sn)adv. soon·er, soon·est

  • In the near future; shortly.
  • Without hesitation; promptly: came as soon as possible.
  • Before the usual or appointed time; early.
  • With willingness; readily: I'd as soon leave right now.
  • Obsolete. Immediately.
Okay, so 2 weeks and 1 day isn't exactly 'soon' by any stretch of the imagination and I am truly sorry. Things have been busy - honest!

Right, so what's happened to me!? Well, I got married to a wonderful woman, moved into our own place and we're in the process of getting said place sorted with furniture and all of the essentials in life (as well as some luxuries too).

For honeymoon we went to Fuertaventura which was HOT HOT HOT! The relaxation there after several months of stress from finance/wedding planning/moving was a paradise.

God is Goooooooood
In everything, I'd say God hasn't been good..not by any stretch of the imagination. He's been amazing!!! Every step of the way He's blessed us, guided us and generally been brilliant, even down to the little things. If you've got time, ask us and we can let you know exactly how good He is...but for right now I'd just like to say;

THANK YOU GOD!!!!!!!!!!!

I'd also like to say thank you to everyone - you were all so generous with your time, energy and wedding presents ;-)

What else? Well, work is going really well - loving it still. I've been here almost a year now, though it really doesn't seem like it sometimes. Cycling is going quite well (IMHO), and is great in the beautiful sunny sunshine. It's been raining today which isn't so pleasant but I'm not complaining - I'm able to do it and that's a blessing!

I'll try to update more as I go...short non-catch-up blogs are less daunting (not that this is that long), but now I've blogged once, maybe I'll blog with some of the other things and conversations that happen to me :)

Peace out peoples

Thursday, August 3

Apologies..I'll Post Soon - I Promise!!!

Meanwhile, check out these square melons!!!