The Slowest ½ Hour On Earth the ½ hour before I finish work. I don't really have anything to do, and I don't wanna leave before I'm meant to...argh...gimme work!!!!
Honestly, when you were younger did you ever *want* work to do!? You dreamed of a job where you got paid and did nothing all day. Now that you're all grown up, you realise that doing nothing all day is *much* worse than working!
Hmm, random thought time. Did you know there's a campaign to ban the common light bulb and switch over to energy-saving ones. Apparently, an energy saving bulb lasts 8-10 times longer than a normal bulb - that means that even though they're more expensive, they work out probably about the same for the amount of 10 bulbs! Add on to that the fact that you're saving a *huge* amount on electric compared to a normal bulb and I think you'll find that getting rid of normal bulbs is much cheaper overall. I read somewhere that over the life time of 1 energy saving bulb you'd save over £100 in electric compared to 10 normal bulbs!! Crazy eh? So why do people keep getting normal bulbs?
'Cuz they're "cheaper". Ha. I'd rather have a bulb that I *didn't* have to climb up and replace every 6 months!
Any other random thoughts? Anybody? Do I hear seven? No...I don't think I do...either that or I'm hearing things. Again.
Youth tonight! Lis and I took last month off of Youth, which was kinda nice! We've only been back once, but I found I was a lot more chilled than I had previously been. It was taking *far* more than usual for the kids to wind me up, LoL. Maybe, just maybe, I was nicer to them too. But, shhhhhh, don't tell them that ;-)
Right, that's enough for me - better get back to my 'work'.
Honestly, when you were younger did you ever *want* work to do!? You dreamed of a job where you got paid and did nothing all day. Now that you're all grown up, you realise that doing nothing all day is *much* worse than working!
Hmm, random thought time. Did you know there's a campaign to ban the common light bulb and switch over to energy-saving ones. Apparently, an energy saving bulb lasts 8-10 times longer than a normal bulb - that means that even though they're more expensive, they work out probably about the same for the amount of 10 bulbs! Add on to that the fact that you're saving a *huge* amount on electric compared to a normal bulb and I think you'll find that getting rid of normal bulbs is much cheaper overall. I read somewhere that over the life time of 1 energy saving bulb you'd save over £100 in electric compared to 10 normal bulbs!! Crazy eh? So why do people keep getting normal bulbs?
'Cuz they're "cheaper". Ha. I'd rather have a bulb that I *didn't* have to climb up and replace every 6 months!
Any other random thoughts? Anybody? Do I hear seven? No...I don't think I do...either that or I'm hearing things. Again.
Youth tonight! Lis and I took last month off of Youth, which was kinda nice! We've only been back once, but I found I was a lot more chilled than I had previously been. It was taking *far* more than usual for the kids to wind me up, LoL. Maybe, just maybe, I was nicer to them too. But, shhhhhh, don't tell them that ;-)
Right, that's enough for me - better get back to my 'work'.
the thing with the lightbulbs right.. is that the energy ones take longer to take up right.. so i have an energy one in my bedroom and if i just wanna run in and get something quick i don't wanna turn the light on cuz it takes too long to light up but then i fall over something so usually i turn on the 'cheap' one in the corridor outside me room .. so that is why we need both 'cheap' ones and energy ones... RIIIIGHT!!
hmm maybe i should go to bed.
oh and i changed my picture cuz Tom said it was strange (or something). Oh and Tom's blog aint working.
Anonymous, at 21/4/06 23:51
people use the normal bulbs because the energy saving ones don't work in dimmer light switches!!
Anonymous, at 22/4/06 17:52
I hate not having anything to do at work, it makes the day drag sooo much, today I had LOADS to do so it was a good but stressful day :)
Gem, at 22/4/06 18:10
My blogs not working?
I'm sure it is.
And yes. Having nothing to do at work is actually worse than having too much to do, although when you do have too much to do, you wish that you were back on the place where you had nothing to do.
TommyDB, at 22/4/06 22:56
"people use the normal bulbs because the energy saving ones don't work in dimmer light switches!!"
Then they're very weird people...they can still use energy saving bulbs in the rooms that *don't* have dimmer switches! LoL
T, at 24/4/06 14:18
what if you have dimmer switches in every room? Banning normal light bulbs would be a huge problem for them! Think about how much it would cost to convert all your switches!
Anonymous, at 26/4/06 13:06
You made a blanket statement that people don't use energy saving lightbulbs because they don't work in dimmer switches.
I'm saying that *isn't* the *main* reason that people don't use energy saving light bulbs. It's just cuz they think it's more expensive to use them when, in the long run, it's cheaper and probably more eco-friendly.
Plus..GE make an energy saving lightbulb that *does* work with dimmer switches
T, at 26/4/06 14:08
lol! Ok maybe i have made a blanket statement and you a probably right in your *assumption* that most people buy the cheap bulb because its cheap
My argument was against banning them completely, there are many problems, my example was just one of them!
Also, be honest! when have you ever seen a GE bulb in a shop? If they want people to use them they need to market them better!
Anonymous, at 27/4/06 08:49
Yup, twaz an assumption that I made.
And yep, the boxes are incredibly boring, LoL
BTW - who are you?
T, at 27/4/06 08:56
lol! No-body special, just someone you know winding you up! I think ill keep my identity a mystery. Good dicussion though, have a good week!!
Anonymous, at 27/4/06 22:34
Helen then. lol
TommyDB, at 27/4/06 23:58
Ah, except she'd already left her own comment
TommyDB, at 27/4/06 23:59
lol!! No Thomas you are wrong!!
Anonymous, at 28/4/06 09:48
lol it aint me this time that's anonymous!! i left my stupid drunken mixed up hyper comment first..!!
BUT I have seen GE lightbulbs.. we have some in my cupboard, dunno where they were bought from tho and they are also only the "cheap" ones i think!! i haven't changed the lightbulb in my room for years tho i dnt think and it's an energy saving one!!
Anonymous, at 30/4/06 14:44
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